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          BECOME A partner           


Chabad Lubavitch of Chautauqua NY, is made possible through
the generous support of individuals like yourself.
All contributions will be greatly appreciated. 
To become a sponsor, please donate now!

Chabad Lubavitch of Chautauqua serves the Jewish community
with a variety of educational outreach programs.

These programs have helped make Judaism an enriched
reality to many people, regardless of background or affiliation.
We are counting on you, you are our only source of income!

It is only through your help that we have been able to grow and continue our many
services to Jews at Chautauqua and throughout the surrounding communities.

Please be generous with your support by making a tax
deductible contribution. Your donation really counts! Please do it today.

Yes! I would like to support Jewish continuity and pride.
Please accept my tax-deductible contribution to Chabad Lubavitch of Chautauqua.

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